
Why Install a Commercial Cooling Tower?

A cooling tower is a heat ejection device that cools water temperature and releases the removed heat straight up into the atmosphere. Some commercial cooling towers are simply immense, such as the 600-foot tall structures associated with nuclear power plants. However, you can also benefit from much smaller rooftop cooling towers, which are an extraordinarily

Is a Heat Pump an Effective Air Conditioning Option for Yucaipa?

If you are wondering about whether you should have a heat pump installed to deal with the summer temperatures in Yucaipa, CA or other parts of the Inland Empire and the Desert Communities, than you probably already know something about how a heat pump operates. The concern that some people have about heat pumps is how

Customer Question: What’s the Difference Between Orange Flame and Blue Flame on My Pilot Light?

With cooler weather arriving, people are now turning on their gas furnaces for the season. This is a time of the year when we often receive questions from customers about how their furnaces are supposed to operate. A question that frequently comes up is about the color of the pilot light in a furnace. Usually

Some Reasons Why Your Furnace Won’t Stay Lit

Not only is it irritating when your furnace won’t stay lit, it also can leave you chilly. It can be tempting to inspect your furnace yourself and maybe even try to adjust a few things to see if you can get your furnace to ignite; unless you have expert knowledge, this isn’t a good idea.

Why You Should Replace Your Old Floor Furnace

Furnaces have come a long way in only the last few decades, with many advances that have made them both safer and more energy efficient than ever before. However, many homeowners cling to the older furnaces in their home, reluctant to replace them because of concerns about expense, or because they simply don’t realize that

Why Is Good Insulation Important?

Most people understand that having good insulation is important, but do you know why? Do you also know that having good insulation isn’t important just for the winter season, but year-round? Are you aware that there are several types of insulation available for homeowners to use? Having a basic understanding of how insulation works and

How to Make Sure Your Furnace Runs Efficiently

Your furnace is built to last for many years, with parts that are resistant to wear and tear, a number of built-in safety features, and a filter to keep debris from interfering with the operation of your unit. And yet, as the years go on, you may begin to notice that you spend more and

What Happens During a Heating Maintenance Appointment?

Many people don’t understand how in-depth a maintenance appointment is, which is one of the reasons why scheduling a maintenance appointment can be overlooked. Annual heater maintenance involves a lot more than a quick visual inspection of your system. There are multiple steps involved, as well as thorough inspection and cleaning. To help you understand

What to Check before You Call Heating Repair

When your heating system stops working, your first instinct is probably to call up your HVAC technician right away. That isn’t actually a bad idea. However, there are a few things you’ll probably want to check first. Even if you do end up needing to call a professional, it helps to have an inkling of

Ways to Help Prevent Heating Repairs

To an extent, heating repairs are inevitable. After all, heating systems degrade over time like everything else. The primary goal, however, should be to ensure that your heating system lasts as long as physically possible before needing replacement. Frequent need for repair is often caused by a lack of proper maintenance, which shortens the life